$4,750,000 Settlement for Truck Accident Case

Becker Law • May 17, 2022

Truck accident cause thousands of injuries every year in the United States. Most of these crashes and personal injuries can be prevented if the proper safety protocols are taken. However, many times a trucking company will cut corners to save time. This however result in safety issues that make the roads unsafe for other drivers.

At Becker Law we know the regulations that truck companies and drivers must follow in order to keep the roads safe. The turck companies must be held responsible when they fail to abide by the rules and cause harm to other. Call us today if you have been injured by a truck. We will fight to obtain what you deserve becasue of the shortcuts taken by others. Our recent settlement of almost $5,000,000 shows that we have the knowledge and skill to obtain what a client is deserved for being injured. https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/

By Becker Law 17 May, 2022
Injuries from a truck crash must be handled differently from a car crash case. There are many laws an attorney must know about to properly handle the personal injury. There are many regulations that apply to truck crash cases when someone sustains a personal injury and they need an attorney. Trucks have special laws and regulations that must be followed in order to keep the roads safe for all people. Often times these regulations are not followed and the roads become unsafe. Attorney Paul Becker knows and understands these regulations to help you maximize your personal injury case. Here is a link to the regulations of the Federal Motor Carrier Administration : https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/ .These regulations require experince and special knowledge. At Becker Law we have the knowledge to handle truck injury cases. Call us today if you have been injures in a truck crash and need a personal injury lawyer.
By Becker Law 09 Jun, 2021
When handling a truck accident or tractor trailer injury crash case whether in Buffalo or anywhere in the United States, certain items must be requested from the truck company that caused the crash. According to federal law truck companies are required to keep certain types of records. Some however are only required to be kept for a short amount of time, as little as six months. If you or your attorney do not request these items right at the beginning these items could be lost forever. If you have been injured in a truck accident case you need to know that you have someone representing you that has the knowledge and experince to properly preserve evidence and prepare your case. At Becker Law, Personal Injury Attorney Paul Becker has the knowledge to properly take on the big trucking companies. Truck accident injury cases are very different from a car crash case and must not be handled the same. Federal regulations require special knowledge and understanding to properly handle your case. At Becker Law we have the skill and experience required to force trucking companies to safely operate on the road and to compensate you if you were injured when they fail to follow the rules. Call us today if you have been injured by a truck or tractor trailer.
By Becker Law 02 Jun, 2021
You have been denied no-fault wages by the insurance company after an examination by an insurance company. DId your attorney tell you that there is nothing they can do? Did they tell you that you have to wait until after your settlement to fight for those benefits? If so call Becker Law today so we can help. There are many reasons why wage benefits may have been stopped. Often times they can be reinstated before waiting to settle your accident case, without risking your case. Attorneys often assume that there is nothing they can do to fight for your wage benefits. At Becker Law we have handled thousands of no- fault and personal injury cases. Do not take NO for an answer. We offer free consultations so call us today sowe can help.
By Becker Law 14 Feb, 2021
Truck Crashes and Injuries Can be Avoided as Trucks Must Be Kept Safe at All Times. The Federal regulations require that trucks and semi tractor trailer be kept safe at all times. There are safety critical components such as steering mechanisms and brake systems that are required to be inspected both before and after each trip. Some trucking companies however to not abide by these rules and put you and your family at risk of injury or death. These companies must be held responsible for the injuries they create when they drive unsafe trucks. The rules are there to keep you safe and if the truck companies are not held responsible the road will be a dangerous place. Call attorney Paul Becker at Becker Law today for help if you have been injured by a truck or tractor trailer so we can help protect you and your family today.
By Becker Law 17 Oct, 2020
Truck accidents are complex cases and attorneys representing peopel injured in truck accidents must know how to handle these case. At our firm we are experinced truck accident attorneys and understand how to properly handle truck crash cases. Many attorneys will simply treat truck accident cases as if the were simply aut accident cases. This is not proper. There are numerous federal, state and local regulations that must be understood in order to handle the cases properly. For example the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration rules must be followed. Trucks are extremely dangerous vehicles and pose a grat risk to others on the road. Trucking companies that do not play by the rules must be held responsible for the serious injuries they cause. Call us today for immediate help if you have been involved in a truck accident. We have the experience necessary to win your case.
By Becker Law 17 Aug, 2020
The laws regarding Uber and Lyft cases is constantly evolving. If you have been injured in or by a Uber of Lyft vehicle, whether you are a passeger or another vehicle that was struck by one, you need an attorney that has experience handling these type of cases. Our firms has handled many of these cases and knows how to get your medical bill paid, and how you can be compensated for your pain and suffering. Call us today if you have been injured in or by an Uber or Lyft vehicle. We can help you today!
By Becker Law 23 Jul, 2020
We have handled many Uber and Lyft cases at our firm. Many times people are injured as passengers in an Uber or Lyft or they are injured as drivers or passengers in another car that is hit by an Uber or Lyft vehicle. These type of cases require special attention as they are not your typical insurance when tyring to get compensated for your injuries. These type of vehicles must also cover your no fault insurance if you are a passenger. Call us today if you we injured in or injured by an Uber or Lyft vehicle. 716-608-3479 and ask for Paul Becker today for help.
By Becker Law 17 Jul, 2020
Uber and Lyft are back up and running during the Covid situation. We know the “in’s and out’s” and are experienced in handling ride-sharing car accidents for personal injury cases. Uber and Lyft have special rules and insurance coverage that apply to them. It can depend on may different factors. If you are in an Uber or Lyft that was in an accident, or you were hit by someone driving an Uber or Lyft vehicle call us today for help with your injuries!
By Becker Law 19 Jun, 2020
SUM (supplementay underisured motorist) insurance protects you when you are injured in a motor vehicle crash and the driver of the other car does not have enough insurance to compensate you for your injuries. If you are driving and another car crashes into you, and they have the State minimum $25k of coverage, that is all you will receive unless you carry SUM. You purchase it through your own insurance company to protect yourself from underinsured drivers. You can purchase it up to the amount of your own liability limits. It is relatively cheap and everyone should have it. For more information call our office today for help.
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